Business Government & Society
Business, Government, and Society module teaches the students how forces in business, government and society shape their corporate world. While current events move rapidly over the surface of the subject matter, the underlying principles and relationships at its core lie undisturbed. The module covers 3 important stakeholders and helps them to have a clear understanding about Business (Clients and Suppliers), Roles and Policies of Government and the Society.
Lean Management
Lean management is an organizational culture based module based on the management philosophy, values, and methods, which strives “to contribute to the sustainable development through manufacturing and high- quality and innovative products and services
Geopolitics & World Economic System
Geopolitics & World Economic System (Geo-economics) module deals with geopolitical, geo-economics and global security issues and essentially tries to ‘touch’ upon the global economic and political interconnections that “keep” our planet together and, to a certain extent, safeguard the present and future of humanity as a species. It refers to a transition from the classical geopolitical thinking of military and ‘hard’ power to other forms of power increasingly related to the economic field and referred to as the ‘logic of war under the grammar of trade’.
Time management
Essential time management training helps to organise daily tasks and reduce stress. The module introduces time management tools and techniques that allow participants to manage their time more effectively and feel more in control. The module also enables participants to identify areas of their job where time could be better utilised and the actions necessary to reduce problems are initiated.
Emotional Intelligence
In Emotional Intelligence Module, students gain a better understanding of their own reactions and improve control over their emotions, which brings more harmony in their lives. They get an understanding of the tools which show them how to manage themselves and people around them. They will not be affected and irritated much by others. They will be able to understand how emotions can bring prosperity in their lives and how to improve their health and reduce stress through the use of emotions. Understanding emotions means understanding life. Lean management results in a significant increase in production efficiency and product quality.
Life Skills
Life Skills module provides suggestions and active learning activities to teach life skills for at risk students or youth. It also provides guidance for those who plan, manage, teach or work with this group of students in both formal and informal programs. It could be adapted and employed in different cultural contexts. This module contains practical information on approaches to teach life skills, suggestions to plan and develop a life skills program, practical ideas for educators to teach life skills and detailed instructions to conduct life skills activities
Personal Selling Lab
Personal selling refers to personal communication with an audience through paid personnel of an organization or its agents in such a way that the audience perceives the communicator’s organization as being the source of the message. The module explores the role and importance of personal selling as part of a wider marketing mix, along with a series of important selling theories and the different types of personal selling. This module is a breakdown of the personal selling process, the qualities and character traits of effective salespersons and the unique benefits of successful personal selling.
Brand Management
Brand Management module introduces students to core theories about brand, branding and brand management as well as contemporary issues related to branding and brand management. It is based around understanding what brand, branding, and brand management are and illustrating effective brand management practices through a systematic and strategic branding process.
B2B Marketing
Business to Business Marketing Module helps students to learn through a selected and sequential material for use as part. The module represents the thinking of subject matter experts about the best materials to assign and how to organize them to facilitate learning. Each module recommends four to six items. Whenever possible at least one alternative item for each main recommendation is included, as well as suggested supplemental readings that may provide a broader conceptual context. It helps students in understanding the B2B Market and how B2B selling approach is different from B2C selling.
Salesforce CRM
It helps students to learn how to organize, share, search, and manage content within your organization and across key areas of Salesforce with Salesforce CRM module. This module includes all file types, from traditional business documents such as Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to audio files, video files, Web pages, and Google docs. The Content tab displays files, content packs, Web links, and Google docs published in your Salesforce CRM Content libraries. If your organization has Salesforce CRM Content enabled, you can take advantage of Salesforce CRM Content functionality on detail pages for leads, accounts, contacts, opportunities, products, cases, or custom objects.
Compensation Management
The learning module in this direction puts emphasis on factors important in the compensation, incentives, fringe benefits, and Grievance procedures. It talks about various salary differentials, along with concepts like retirement, termination and suspension.
Learning and Development
This learning module focusses on understanding the key concepts associated with L&D, the training process, training needs and impact of training in order to learn the techniques for designing the training programme. The program focusses on understanding the importance of training for different categories of employees, keeping in mind the latest technologies available and Cost-benefit Analysis.Since every student is different and comes with different set of achievements, skills, internships, interests so we assist every student to align same in their CV which helps them during their interview process.
Lab in Recruitment and Selection
The module describes the concepts of recruitment and selection, job specification and job description. It focusses on discussing of various methods of recruitment and selection. The module helps students to develop job descriptions and job specifications, usage of personality tests, other profiling techniques and interview questions.
Compliances and Labour Welfare
This module focusses on the labour policy regulation in India and the related concepts like labour welfare programmes, labour legislations and agencies. This training module discusses role of trade unions and concepts like industrial hygiene and occupational health. It also puts light on the labour related issues like women labour, unorganized labour. It also discusses laws related to employee relations like Minimum wages Act 1948, Industrial disputes Act 1947, etc.Since GD comes in various shapes and flavours so throughout the year, students undergo practice for same with different formats of GD with a range of topics.
Conflict Management
This learning module discusses the concept of conflict and sources, importance and types and its effect on performance of the employees. It also puts light on negotiation skills required in such situations. It shares various activities used for better negotiation, role of communication and influence in the process of resolving conflicts.
Financial Modelling
In the Financial Modeling module, you acquire and use the knowledge that is distributed and facilitated electronically. The purpose of the Financial Modeling module is to provide with extensive practice building and running the types of economic and capital market scenarios you may be required to create as an actuary. It will help to gain familiarity with authoritative resources that will facilitate future reading, reference, and practice should that be needed for your work.
Personal Financial Planning
It talks about investment planning, investment criteria, risk analysis and tax planning. It emphasizes on profitability, trading in derivatives, investment strategies, mutual funds and other financial sources. It also puts light on retirement planning and estate planning talking about life insurance plans and provident fund and gratuity schemes. The module focuses on the importance of financial planning and how it can be promoted.
Securities Analysis and Portfolio management
This module instills concepts of investment, speculation, risk and return analysis. It helps to understand the calculation of risk and return, valuation of bonds, along with portfolio analysis and section with the help of various models.
Direct taxation and Banking operations
This module gives introduction to Income tax act 1961, basic concepts like direct tax, Indirect tax, gratuity, leave, concessions and encashment. It talks about concepts like profit ad gains and capital gains and details about salaries and house property. It also creates understanding about banking laws and regulations, measures for protection, regulatory framework in Indian baking Systems. All these have been highlighted through this module.
Agricultural Marketing
The Agricultural Marketing course helps the Students to understand various components of the agriculture complex. It also enhances better understanding and to make rational decisions to the changing demand for the Agri products. The course also covers the basic principles of agricultural marketing which includes consumers demand and supply.
Modern Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture
The students who undertake the module for Modern Farming systems and sustainable Agriculture will learn the fundamental principles of modern farming systems and sustainable agriculture which emphasize on how to improve the financial condition of the farmers. This also helps in understanding the various skills required in vermiculture, poultry, composting and biocontrol of pests and insects.
Rural Marketing and Market Infrastructure
Rural Marketing & Market Infrastructure Course for the Agri Business Students create an awareness about the application of the concepts, methods and processes of marketing in rural context. It also familiarizes the learners with the special problems related to sales in rural markets. The course includes Pricing strategy, pricing policies, advanced pricing systems for rural markets, designing right promotion mix and promotional drives.
Post-Harvest technology
Post-harvest technology is an important module which explains the aspect for agricultural harvest. The topics covered in the course are the processes (cleaning, grading, sorting etc) to be conducted for enhancing the grain quality and availability. The module also offers an interdisciplinary method to post-harvest management that includes varied areas like engineering, agricultural sciences and biology.
Fundamentals of Soil Science
The Soil Science Fundamentals module is designed to provide an overview of the basic concepts in soil science. This includes Genesis, Classification and Morphology, Fertility, Biology, and Land Use. This helps the students to build the fundamental knowledge and skills within the different areas of soil science. It is also an introductory course to the students to understand the concept of soil as a significance product of its environment.
Fundamentals of Healthcare Administration
Fundamentals of Health Care Administration is a course designed to help the students on the health care industry. The basics help them to build a strong analytical skill and knowledge required for a health care administrator.
Pharmaceutical Marketing
Pharmaceutical marketing is designed, keeping in view the increasing demand of sales and marketing professionals (Pharmaceutical specific) at national and international level. The programme broadly covers, Management Functions & Organizational Behavior, Principles & Practices of Pharmaceutical Marketing Management, Pharmaceutical Sales and Distribution Management, Pharmaceutical Regulatory and Legal Issues, Pharmaceutical Promotion and Advertising Management, Strategic Management and International Marketing etc.
Pharmaceutical Marketing Research & Supply Chain Management
The Fundamentals of marketing research, the marketing research process and Supply Chain Management. The Course helps the students to learn about the channel of pharmaceutical marketing and also the Pharmaceutical Business Environment. It enables the students to understand the various environments effect of promotional strategies and physician’s prescriptions.
Medical Record Science
The terms medical record, health record, and medical chart are used somewhat interchangeably to describe the systematic documentation of a single patient's medical history and care across time within one particular health care provider's jurisdiction. It is very essential for the Pharma & Healthcare management students to understand the importance of Medical Record Science.
Pharmaceutical Management
The module helps to know about the production management, planning and control. The students also understand the design and development of packaging and marketing of the pharmaceuticals. It also includes the basic pharmaceutical research techniques which also includes the marketing accounts and quality control of Pharmaceuticals.